Why Save Parrots?

People Love Parrots

Parrots are charismatic, adaptable and intelligent creatures. They live in a range of environments, from snow-capped peaks to humid rainforests, on nearly every continent. Parrots have complex social and cultural structures, choose mates for life and live long lives. We identify with them and admire their beauty and diversity.

Sadly, our admiration of these birds comes at a price: nearly one in three species is globally threatened with extinction.

Because of their popularity as companion birds, thousands of parrots are trapped every year to be sold as pets. Tragically, more than half die before export from their range countries. The trade in wild-caught birds and habitat loss are the main reasons parrots are some of the most endangered birds on Earth.

Millions of parrots are kept as companions. While some enjoy long and fulfilling lives with well-informed caregivers, many others suffer short, miserable lives because of poor or misinformed care.

Parrots need our help to survive in the wild and thrive in companion care.

World Parrot Trust is dedicated to saving wild parrots from extinction and ensuring the best quality of care for companion birds.

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