Protecting Parrots Worldwide

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Don't Buy Wild-caught Parrots

Trapping wild parrots for resale has existed for decades. This practice is inadvisable and unacceptable, for many reasons:

Further, ongoing trapping of wild parrots does not benefit local people. Trappers are not paid anything but a pittance for their efforts with more substantial proceeds going to the brokers who trade in birds. Ultimately, if a species is entirely eliminated from an area, local people then have nothing left to potentially boost their income. The loss of a parrot species can impact an entire ecosystem, affecting other species of animals and plants. If ecosystems are affected, then entire regions can suffer.

Buying wild-caught parrots does nothing to help or aid anyone
Nor does it enhance the aviculture industry; it can, in fact, endanger it. For anyone who wishes for a pet parrot, attempting to keep a wild bird can leave a trail of broken promises, and mean misery for the parrot and the people involved. A much better idea is to acquire captive-bred birds or, better still, adopt them from a reputable shelter.

With your help, and if you refuse to buy wild-caught birds, tens of thousands of birds can be saved each year.